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The Pentagon Wants VR To Train for Nuclear War

Views : 59
Update time : 2019-09-18 00:59:19

From conventional Mechanics

The U.S. conserve of Defense is considering using virtual reality technique to educate military personnel who force someday depart up against dirty bombs and other radioactive weapons. The Defense chance Reduction Agency, which typically concerns itself with responding to weapons of mass destruction, wants to utilize VR although a exercise installation to educate soldiers, sailors, marines, and airmen how to reply to “radiological threats,” from dirty bombs to nuclear weapons.

The DTRA posted a solicitation to industry can the FedBizOpps web site. The solicitation calls although a virtual reality or augmented reality system designed to pretend “operating can a battlefield nuclear war (BNW) environment, or performing radiological chance objects discover and interdict operations.”

“Radiological/nuclear considerations can include," the solicitation also notes, "everything from point radiation sources, region contamination, and nuclear weapon detonation.”

Nuclear weapons and their hazards are noise known, radiological weapons somewhat less so. Radiological weapons are no nuclear weapons however weapons designed to scatter highly dangerous and level fatal radioactivity can a broad area. A blend of plutonium and tall explosives can a backpack or car bomb, although example, used to disperse radioactive rubbish can a broad area.

Unprotected persons caught can the blast—or venturing into the blast zone afterward—could be exposed to dangerous levels of radioactivity, foremost to radiation sickness or cancer. A contaminated zone could remain dangerous although days, weeks, months or level years, depending can the radioactive isotope used.

Radiological weapons consume however to consume been used, existing greatly can theory although “dirty bombs” used by terrorists against inhabitant targets. One possible exception is the assassination of foregoing KGB officer Alexander Litvinenko. Litvinenko was allegedly slipped a dose of the radioactive isotope polonium along a glass of tea and developed radiation poisoning soon afterward.

An AR/VR exercise installation can this context could be a program that simulates the detonation of a radiological or nuclear weapon and overlays apt areas of contamination and levels of radioactivity can the user’s sphere of view. This used to start the user to “look” can a site and evaluate the effects of such a weapon and reflect a response. Adding meteorological information such a barometric stress and wind quicken pulled from the internet used to help evaluate the disperse of fallout.

On the other side of the spectrum such tech could start military personnel to search although dirty bombs by looking although telltale signs of radioactivity within a VR or AR environment—all without really using radioactive materials although training.

Source: NextGov

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